3 Things to Consider When Opting for Frontalis Suspension Surgery to Deal with Ptosis

Have you noticed that half of your face droops lower than the other half? Is your eyebrows or eyelids droopier on one side, leading to the appearance of droopy eyes? If so, there's a good chance that you have ptosis, which can be caused by trauma or be the result of a congenital condition. Regardless, if your eyes appear droopy, facial plastic surgery can help bring symmetry back to your face. While there are many different types of surgeries and procedures that can help, frontalis suspension is highly recommended. Here are three things you should know about this type of procedure.

Condition of Levator Muscles

Generally speaking, ptosis can caused by either weak levator muscle function or weak frontalis muscle function. Put a thumb on your forehead to prevent the frontalis muscles from interfering with your ability to open your eyes. If your eyelids still droop when you try to open them, then there's a good chance that the ptosis is caused by weak levator muscle function.

If the levator muscle function is very weak, tightening the muscles will not likely make a huge effect in correcting the ptosis. In this situation, you should opt for a frontalis suspension surgery instead, as it will give you not only better but also longer-lasting results.

Type of Fibrous Tissue Used

Frontalis suspension surgery requires fibrous tissues to be placed between the eyelid and the eyebrow. In general, you have two options: fibrous tissue taken from your leg or elastic strands made of solid silicon. Most surgeons recommend using solid silicon, as it tends to be more elastic.

Suture Design Used

To pass the strands from the eyelids to the eyebrows, sutures are needed. Different suture designs are used by different types of plastic surgeons. Ideally, you should take a good look at before and after pictures to determine which suture design looks most natural. Common suture designs include the single triangle, the double triangle, the double trapezoid, and the single pentagon.


Successful frontalis suspension will help bring symmetry back into your face, lift your eyelids, and tackle ptosis symptoms. Determine what caused the droopy eyelids with a facial plastic surgeon to determine which procedure is most suited for your situation. If you are going to opt for frontalis suspension surgery, go through all of the procedures with the surgeon to make sure that you are acquainted with what to expect during and after the surgery.
